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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wow... long time since I last updated. Today Sandy came over.
A NOTE FROM SANDY: hihi WHEEE!!! taking up space and being crazy! whoop-ti-doo...
Back to me, Candy, again. I went out with my crazy uncle yesterday. He bought 300g of macadamia cookies at Famous Amos. Don't worry, he's quite capable of eating it all. I bought 3 new copics... copper, spring dim green and marigold.
ANOTHER NOTE FROM SANDY: SHE'S NUTS ABOUT COPICS!!! God knows how many she's got now.
I think we all already knew that, Sandy. Cos most of the peeps who come here are my classmates. And they all know me and my obsessive habits pretty well.
Anyways-- now we're going to TURN OFF THE COM and go for a walk with Furby and Tiger, the evil piddling cat.
Sandy and Candy Cook

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