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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hiya all... gee it HAS been a long time since I last posted huh?

Well... let's see. I came back from CiT and CuT's party yesterday thinking, "Star Wars has claimed three new victims."

That's right, Sian, CG and me all got hooked on Star Wars recently. Well, CG most of all. We'd just finished watching Star Wars 5 as the bedtime movie and when it ended Sian was like, "What?! It ends just like that? With Luke getting his arm hacked off? Aaaaah!"

And the next morning, CG said, "I wanna watch Star Wars 4..."

So we watched it. By a communal voting it was determined that Luke Skywalker is the stupidest Star Wars character in the entire 6-movie series. Example:

Leia is dragged past Luke's field of vision, screaming,"Luke! Don't go in! It's a trap!" Then Leia is pulled away by a storm trooper. Everything quietens down the storm troopers and assorted Empire associates. Then, Luke runs into the trap.

The reasons for this decision will posted ASAP as my mum is tellling me to GO TO BED now.


Dar Yenzus

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
6:15 AM;

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wow... long time since I last updated. Today Sandy came over.
A NOTE FROM SANDY: hihi WHEEE!!! taking up space and being crazy! whoop-ti-doo...
Back to me, Candy, again. I went out with my crazy uncle yesterday. He bought 300g of macadamia cookies at Famous Amos. Don't worry, he's quite capable of eating it all. I bought 3 new copics... copper, spring dim green and marigold.
ANOTHER NOTE FROM SANDY: SHE'S NUTS ABOUT COPICS!!! God knows how many she's got now.
I think we all already knew that, Sandy. Cos most of the peeps who come here are my classmates. And they all know me and my obsessive habits pretty well.
Anyways-- now we're going to TURN OFF THE COM and go for a walk with Furby and Tiger, the evil piddling cat.
Sandy and Candy Cook

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
10:15 PM;

Saturday, August 9, 2008

hey ppl! sorry I haven't updated for so long, tho' it's actually nothing compared to Alison... ...

i've just finished riding. it was so funny today, Cupcake was being her usual snail-like self, and then Pedja got on her and ZOOM...

heh. I'm going off track... then again I always do...


I'm going mad... tuition stress! Evil tuition teacher... I actually shouldn't be posting this kinda stuff but hey... MY BLOG! right? I mean, you're free to post what you like...

going off track AGAIN...

I'm like that, unfortunately. Sorry once more for these random, strange and unnatural posts.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
9:02 PM;

Saturday, July 5, 2008

that was random.

but hey, randomness is the word!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
7:37 PM;

now i've just finished my riding lesson and kinabalu has thrown me off. so sad...=(

my classmates are fighting over a computer behind me.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
7:36 PM;

Monday, June 30, 2008

and we're back in the com lab for english... going through compos. i'm in a random mood.

now, why do we have to work so much harder than, say, our parents, for our PSLE? I don't know. Pls offer thy opinions on mine tagboard. oh wow, this is a "dramatic" compo we're looking at...

don't you think that the title "Guilty Innocence" is wonderful? like

The Nothing That Is
Ocean's Fire
The Dark Light

such wonderful titles... ...

pls put on my tagboard such paradoxical (means contradictory) titles that you can think up! I would be most grtatified if you did so... ... =)

i will try and post more often.

p.s. has anyone done club penguin mission 8?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
5:08 PM;

Sunday, June 29, 2008

hi all. actually i'm writing this in the middle of chinese... ...

laoshi's having probs with the computer...

to be expected, that is.

now, we're looking at weird chinese watercolour paintings.

something to do with this self-sacrificing chinese gu dai hero. ah! funny noises being emitted... from laoshi or the computer?!

oh. it's the computer. i better get going.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
7:51 PM;